The Wild Guide to find new Blogs and Content

Today we will discuss how someone can search for new blogs and new contents. It's said that if you spend most of time reading 5 blogs, your blog may be their average.

Keep reading and find new content.

When I was reading a post on boost blog traffic I came to a link that has anchor text "Blogging it not easy" instead of clicking and reading new post aggressively. I searched the anchor text into google images. It popped up many related images and I got some new good blogs to bookmark bookmark bookmark.

Some of them are meaningful.and i bookmarked some of them i visited some of them and find them useful maybe or maybe not this can be helpful to you.

The good news is that you already know more than you think you do about how to write effective sentences. Some of it you’ll have learned at school, the rest through experience, but it’s all there. You just need to be reminded of it—to formalize some key concepts in your mind so that you can draw upon them at will.


But they maybe just like me? Yes, and NOT, so give it a shot.
fly over to boost blog traffic and navigate to any post, for example, this writing-sentences scroll the whole post and get to the comment section, and lookup for a random commenter and fly to their linked site.

Like I found some people linked to good blog content to read. some of the people with their link are,

Michelle's blog
Andrew's blog
Luna Darcy
Krithika R's blog
Theodore's blog
Adam's blog
Lucy Barberl's blog

Eventually stroke your mouse at Google News.

Mostly before a news becomes a trending topic, it is supposed to appear first on google news. Thats not the only sources of new news as well as source of intensely finding new contents. google news is just a search index page full with news articles only.

TIP - rather searching and then clicking on news tab, go direct to google news page. ( ex - Google News )

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