URL Structure SEO Picking the best URL Structure

URL structure and implementing it has been always argued since the first day. Webmaster tried many ways of improving their rankings by tweaking the keywords inside URL, Length of URL, putting unique words and more. as well as an optimized headline is vital for a  blog.

URL structure has been debated within the SEO industry for years. From, the number of subdirectories to the placement of keywords in URLs, SEOs have tried many optimization techniques to improve their sites’ rankings.

The real question is, does your URL structure, even help with your overall traffic? Add your answer to this question! I decided to do a bit of research to help you make a data-informed decision.


URLs contains subfolder in major cases, here is some example of URL, which I published recently.




while you can notice in the above URL, both has 2 main subfolders: first is 2015, the second is 08.
subfolder - URL content that is in between slashes ( / )
This is a default setting in blogger and in WordPress it may differ to differents sites.

When analyzing the top 10 search listings for 1,000 keywords, we found that some of the top-ranking listings contain no subfolders, while others contain up to 12. We found no correlation between the number of subfolders and the positioning of the websites that rank on page one.

In many cases, the keywords for sites that ranked first, such as “elephant population,” contained 3 subfolders, and in other cases, they contained no subfolders.


Now you know its better to keep short and simple URL with no subfolders and using pro SEO tactic 
Tag : SEO
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