12 Light and Fast PC Operating System That will run on your Old PC, Laptop, Tablet

While microsoft pushing windows 10 updates, Some moving to Expensive machines and Instagram models are posing with their Cat's. It is you'r Old Computer that need a breath in the open air.

The majority of these Operating System can be stacked to USB stick and keep running from it instead of installing in your hard disk. As well as some of them have options to install on hard disk.

  • [message]
    • Last Update (Feb, 4 2016).
      • Phoenix Os and Remix OS added.
        Elementary OS added.

Make sure all the hardware drivers are available for the operating system, before you try on your hard disk. It includes burning tool and other required things according to according.

  • [message]
    • Android Based Operating System for PC.

1. Android-x86 Project - Run Android on Your PC

A project to port Android open source project to x86 platform. While if you use its build, you wont get much features like Start menu and task-bar. technically you use a pure android on your pc as operating system.

Downloads | Guide

Yes! It run fast. and on any 32 and 64bit machines too. The stable version is 5.0.1 that is Lollipop.
But you can not use this for a daily purpose, consider Remix OS and Phoenix OS that are based on this project.

(Screenshot - This is similar to android phone with Lollipop)

All you need is a USB device (USB 2.0 or newer) download the iso file and burn it using Linux Live USB Creator ( LiLi ) that is officially support Android-x86.

You can temporary boot into andoid x86 OS using a USB Drive or can install it on hard disk.
The Odd is You can use USB 2.0 as well as USB 3.0.

2. Remix OS (Android OS new level) 

Remix OS 2.0 For PC made a huge impact over internet. people are crazy about it, they all want to grab and install thins on their pc's. It is perfect combination of ANdroid + Windows. You'll Get powerful File Explorer( can browse HDD), Start menu, taskbar, notif bar and much more.

  1. Remix OS 64-bit Download it here
  2. Download and Guide for Remix OS 32-bit ( Install on HDD guide Added)

Based on the android x86 project brings you more features. The good is this supports both CPU with 32-bit and 64-bit compatibility.

2.1. Phoenix OS

Alternative to Remix OS, This works on 32Bit Machines. and it has features like Remix OS.
only bad is it doesn't save your session, everything will be reset on next boot to phoenix os.

3. Elementary OS 

  • [message]
    • Based on Other i.e. linux ubuntu.
      • These are the Operating system that can be run on any PC, even with 126 MB ram pc's.

3. Papyros OS - Material Design Beta*

Papyros OS

4. Slax

Minimum Requirement: i486 or newer CPU, Intel / AMD processors with 256 MB RAM

Slax is a Live working framework in view of Linux keeps running from an outer media with no requirement for permanent install.. Whole Slax working framework resides in an only path /slax/on your Computer, making it less demanding to sort out with your other information.

Slax is accessible for 32bit and 64bit processor architectures. The 32bit variant is intended to keep running on exceptionally old PCs (as old as Intel 486; that goes back to 1989). It will run legitimately on fresh out of the plastic new PCs as well, however it is restricted in the measure of RAM it can see and constrained to 3GB of RAM most extreme. The 64bit adaptation has no such points of confinement, yet won't keep running on PCs more seasoned than a couple of years. On the off chance that you plan to utilize Slax on an extremely old PC, or you look for a framework with most extreme conceivable similarity, then pick 32bit. In the event that your aim is to utilize Slax on a fresh out of the box new machine, you'll better go for 64bit.

5. Damn Small Linux

Minimum Requirement: i486 or newer CPU, Intel / AMD processors with 64 MB RAM

Damn Small Linux is an extremely flexible 50MB smaller than expected desktop situated Linux appropriation. DSL has an about complete desktop and a little center of order line devices. The sum total of what applications have been decided for the best adjust of usefulness, size and rate. Damn Small likewise can go about as a SSH/FTP/HTTPD server right off of a live CD.

DSL can boot from a business card CD as a live Linux circulation or from a USB pen drive. It can run completely in RAM with as meager as 128MB and sufficiently light to power a 486DX with 16MB of Ram..

6. Puppy Linux

Puppy Linux is designed to be extremely lightweight. When installed to a USB flash drive, it consumes only 100 MB of space. The installation ISO is just ~100 MB. It need to burn on a CD/Dvd first then after booting you can make Bootable USB from its Menu. ( Burn CD - Boot - When it working - Menu - USB )

7. NimbleX

Minimum Requirement: Pentium II or newer CPU with 128 MB RAM

NimbleX is a little yet flexible working framework which has the capacity boot from CD, streak memory (USB pens or Mp3 players) and even from the system. Since it runs altogether from a CD, USB or system it doesn't oblige establishment.

In NimbleX you can browse the web with Firefox, chat with your friends using the Kopete multi-protocol IM application, download torrents with Transmission, use DC++, connect remotely to other computers and many more.

8. GeeXboX

GeeXboX is a free lightweight and Open Source Media-Center purposed Linux distribution for embedded devices and desktop computers. GeeXboX is not an application, it’s a full-featured OS, that one can boot as a LiveCD, from a USB key, an SD/MMC card or install on its regular HDD.

GeeXboX provides you a ready-to-be-used, plug-and-play Media Center application that can play any kind of multimedia content. It has been designed to be fully controllable through either keyboard, mouse or a remote controller and do not require any particular computer-related skills. It features the state of the art technologies as to provide you with the best multimedia experience to take the most out of your hardware.

9. EasyPeasy

Ubuntu Netbook Edition is great, but a lot of things don’t work out of the box. MP3s, for example, can’t be played until you install the codecs. EasyPeasy aims to be simple by offering proprietary applications and codecs out of the box.

EasyPeasy is designed for the cloud. It is configured with Wifi and wireless drivers that enable you to easily connect your netbook to the Internet and enjoy web applications straight from the desktop. EasyPeasy is optimized for low power consumption and was from the early start developed with good battery performance and mobility in mind.

10. Jolicloud

It is a Linux-based operating system became the best replacement OS for old PC sitting in homes, schools and universities. Designed around the Jolidrive HTML5 interface which designed for the cloud but works great offline.

Jolicloud automatically updates your software, relies heavily on Chromium-based packages for running web-based applications with a curated list of 1,500 free apps.

BONUS Light Operating Systems OS - 

11. VectorLinux Light

So now you know your pc can run other OS as well as Windows and Mac. GIve any of these mentioned Os a try and tell you experience in comment section.
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