12 True Reasons You're-Not A "Millionaire" - Yet

Being a Millionaire is no a video game. Where you finally reach at the end. Celebrating success. 

Being Millionaire is neither a science nor an art, it's practice. - quickfever (tweet it) 

Timothy sykes wrote an article on entrepreneur and here we are ready sharing with our audience. 

12 Reasons You're Not a Millionaire.

1. You bear no one guiding you in the right direction.

Maybe you have been hurt by many people, but that doesn't mean you should be trusting no one. 

2. You aren’t willing to make sacrifices.

Entrepreneur and CEO's has to take just decision. It can be wrong or right. 

If you sacrifice or take risk, maybe you will win or you will fail. But if you don't take risks, nothing is going to happen and you will fail definitely. 

3. You fear failure and rejection.

Take a beer and fuck the holly shit thoughts you are suffering from. 

If you think you can do, you will do. 

4. Your goals aren’t clear, hence neither are your actions.

Hire a mentor or take some advices from guru's.  

5. You believe other people can succeed, but not you.

They all started from the same position. You got the same position to start. Now make a move. 

6. You consider your background or location prevents your success.

7. You may not misrepresent yourself when using the Internet. ( You aren't using the internet. )

The Internet has changed the world and it continues to alter the world. If you aren’t practicing, you aren’t taking advantage of one of the most powerful money making tools out there.

8. You rationalize money can’t buy happiness and forget that it can buy freedom.

Money is your ticket to the freedom so many people want in this cosmos. Freedom can lead to happiness. To discover your motivation, focus on the freedom that money can buy you.

9. You're obviously hanging out with the wrong crowd.

The people around you should be your support arrangement. They should be the people there for you, pushing you and keeping you positive and concentrated. Your crowd of friends and family should not be distractions or negative in any mode. If they are, it is time to find a new bunch.

10. You play long shots like the lotto instead of ramping up your skill set.

Constructing your own skill set and knowledge base is better for you in the long term. Certainly, it takes more time and more work, but it can lead you to the long-term success that you desire.

11. You Don’t Put in Enough Time, Effort, and Energy

No one makes a million dollars by watching TV or sleeping 12 hours a night. Unless you’re lucky enough to win the lottery or inherit a windfall, becoming a millionaire takes hard work.
Millionaires consider the time and energy they put into a project to be an investment

12. Determine your personal and specific requirements to become a millionaire.

Keep these reasons in mind when you are acting towards your next professional goal. You will discover first hand what you are capable of if you just put these reasons off to the side and focus instead on your path towards becoming a millionaire.

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