Learn Blogger Limitations - Complete List of Blogger Limits

Complete List of blogger limitation - Here's a complete list of restrictions of use Blogger

1. Limitation Blogger Account

Total Blogs: 100 blogs. sub-domain / custom domain.

Long info "about me" (on account profile page blogger): 1200 characters

Info Hobbies and passions length: 2000 characters

Blog which were followed maximum amount per account: 300 Blog

The width of the image was uploaded through the post editor: 1600px maximum. That broader picture can still be uploaded but then automatically resize (scaled down) to 1600px

The width of the image that was uploaded through the Template Designer (background): No restrictions

Pictures by heavy file size:
Images are uploaded through the post editor: 8 MB
Images are uploaded through the Template Designer (background): 300 Kb
Pictures uploaded via mobile devices: 250 Kb

Image hosting capacity : Up to 15 GB of total storage, (If you've upgraded to Google+, your photos will be stored in Google Photos,) where you have 15GB of storage space shared with Gmail and Drive.

Bandwidth / hosting: Unlimated - No speed restrictions.

2. Blog Limitation

Length of title / name of the blog: 90 characters

Long subdomain name (subdomain.blogspot.com): 37 characters

Long blog description (the description on the header): 500 characters

The number of members per blog: 100 people

The number of blog readers (for personal blogs): 100 people

Number of posts: No restrictions.

Number of posts displayed on pages list posting (homepage, label, archive) is determined by the choices on Settings> Formatting> Show at most. If the chosen day (day), then the maximum limit on a single page display is 1 MB.

Number of labels: 5000 pieces per blog unique label

3. Limitation Post

The length of each post: No restrictions

Weight file for each post: There is no limit, however, as already mentioned above, the file post more than 1 MB may cause parts above 1 MB is displayed on the next page (multiple pages for one post).

The number of labels per post: 20 unique label.

Number of comments per post: No restrictions

Posting the file name length (file name on the back post url): 39 characters

example filename file is generated from the title of the post when it was first made. (This is one of the only weaknesses Blogger blog, so long post titles can cause post URL is truncated because it has reached the limit. So to overcome this trying to visit How to Use Feature Permalink SEO Friendly Blog order ).

4. Other restrictions

Label length: 200 characters
Length commentary: 4,096 characters per comment.

The above limitations will indeed be very rare because it is one of the platform Blogger blogs that have a lot of freedom of services. However, to know the limits of the use Blogger, hopefully we can better understand some of the characters Bloggers who may have never seen before and can maximize the use of the service Blogger future. Thank you, may be useful.

Complete list of Blogger account limits -

Frequently asked query's and Short answers - Complete List of Limitation Blogger -

blogger storage limit - 15 GB overall - Upgradeable
blogger page limit - various
blogger post limit - Unlimited
blogger size, space limit - Photos on Picasa maximum 15 GB - Upgradeable
blog limit - 100 per account
blogspot limit - nil

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