52 simple ways to Stay Focused and In-Control

You don't need to remember and exercise all 52 points, just take and focus on a couple everyday and you'll notice your workflow go up in less time.

41. Ask yourself questions, lot of them.

42. Let everybody at home know you will be working between so and so time.

43. Do not stress.

44. Love what you are doing.

45. Be Passionate about what you are doing.

46. Give yourself credit for what you do.

47. Look in the mirror and compliment yourself, just say “God, you are good looking !”

48. Build confidence in yourself.

49. Keep a positive attitude.

50. Forget about what others are doing, you do it your way.

51. Productivity lies within you. Know yourself first.

52. Read > Learn > Ask and Apply! Stay productive

sources | the ultra linx ¦ lifehack.org
Tag : lists, popular
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