Blogger's Custom Robots Header Tags SEO Optimization

Robots Header Taga actually tells a search engine bot that whether or not to index a page. It is recommended that you use this feature to make sure your blog is showing to bots as it is. Become an expert by set the blog's custom robots header tags.

You may already know about writing SEO-optimized headlines for blog post and using a massive list of resources ( Did I forgot mentioning FREE )

When it comes to site improvement, we verify that we enhance it completely. We're doing part of diligent work to expand site movement however, some of the time we neglect to utilize some inbuilt SEO benevolent devices offered by blogger itself. Blogger engineers group is buckling down always to make blogger easy to use and SEO neighborly and today we are going to talk about its one of the best components called Custom Robots Header Tags. This instrument assumes an incredible part in enhancing site design improvement of your online journal and along these lines you can acquire and more guests from web indexes like Google, Bing, Yahoo and so forth.

Until further notice, I'll keep this article up to the point. In this way, let's figure out how to include custom robots header labels in blogger.

  • STEP 1. Open your Site Dashboard. go to SETTINGS > Search Preferences.

Custom robots header tags

By default, you will see the setting as [Disabled] like below picture.



  • Step 2. Click on "EDIT" link which display 'Custom robots header tags"
  • Now click on Enable and Set following setting.

  • When you tap on the EDIT link you will see numerous choices. Basically, tick on the options as indicated in the picture underneath.

Custom robots header tags

These flags are used to set the robots header tags served to search engines. 

Use with care. Below are the Details for Every Term.

AllAllow search engines to index the entire contents of the page and blog.
NoindexDo not allow search engines to display the page in search results and do not show the "Cached" link in search results.
NofollowThis tag does not allow the search engines to follow the links on this page.
NoneThis tag has a value equivalent to tag noindex, nofollow.
NoarchiveDo not allow search engines to show a "Cached" link in search results.
NosnippetSearch engines are not allowed to show the snippet description in search results for this page.
NoodpThis tag does not allow search engines to use metadata from the Open Directory Project for the title or snippet shown for this page.
NotranslateSearch engines are not allowed to offer a translation of this page in search results.
NoimageindexImages contained on this page, is not allowed to be indexed by the search engines.
Unavailable afterThe page will not appear in search results after the date / time specified. The date / time must be specified in RFC 850 format.


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